Unfortunately, spanking has been a ‘go-to’ solution for parents when they are trying to gain control of their children.
From the Pope recently declaring that it’s ok to spank children as long as it’s done with dignity, to Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson being caught injuring his four-year old son, we have yet to decide as a whole whether parents should be allowed to physically touch their children in order to show authority.
When it comes to popular opinion in the United States, a national survey in 2012 clearly demonstrated that more than half of women and three-quarters of men believe that children sometimes need a “good hard spanking.”
Half of women and three-quarters of men. That’s a huge number.
I’m sure you’ve heard the same argument as I have: “I was spanked and turned out just great”.
It’s true, many of us have been spanked as children and
think we’ve done just fine as adults. However, when it comes to spanking, recent scientific findings beg to differ—linking spanking with negative results—from mental health, to impaired cognitive development.
It does much more harm to your child than good. And there are highly effective, alternative ways of setting limits with your child without the use of punishments or consequences.
As parenting coaches here at the Jai Institute, we’ve all had the opportunity to learn the magic of conscious parenting and
how to deal with the most difficult situations with your child without using physical force.
A Peaceful Parenting Paradigm effectively removes the need for you to have control a and replaces it with an opportunity to be in a relationship with the amazing human being you are raising.
You can become someone who loves your child so much that you can let go of both your anger as well as your child’s tantrums—and open the door to a new parenting style of LOVE and CONNECTION.
It can sometimes be tough to move away from spanking behavior.
However, going from punishment to peace is easier than you might think.
If you are eager to learn more about this and more, check out our
Parenting Coaching program here.
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.