If you’re passionate about parenting, if it’s your calling and you dream of turning your passion into a thriving parent coaching business, then exploring Parenting Coach training and certification is a great idea.
A Parent Coaching business works for parents, professionals and educators who value:
Approaching parenting from a more mindful, connected and peaceful perspective is a skill that you can share with other parents who are struggling. Peaceful Parenting Coaching certification will give you all the tools you need to support and guide those who seek your services.
As a certified Peaceful Parenting Coach, you will have the opportunity to share the incredible things you learn and apply in your own family, through the Jai parent coaching program. Many of our coaches begin simply by taking the program for their own family’s benefit, but once they see the powerful and profound changes in their own family, they feel deeply inspired to share this work with everyone who needs it.
The work begins with learning the skills, approaches and new perspectives that help you to separate your own experiences and reactions from what is actually happening in the present moment with your child. You are then able to act from a place of understanding, compassion and connection instead of overwhelm, frustration and reaction. During the certification process to become a Peaceful Parenting Coach, you will begin to familiarize yourself with and apply this parenting philosophy in your own life in ways that work for you and your family.
Some of the approaches you will learn include:
Learning how to resist reacting too quickly will help you to feel calmer and more grounded in stressful moments. You will gain the tools to discern whether your reaction is based on what is happening in the moment or stems from past traumas you experienced in your own life. Learning to self soothe and self-regulate is a key component to doing this effectively without ignoring what is coming up for you.
Setting aside time to connect without distractions in ways that are enjoyable for you and your child will increase your sense of closeness and trust and help you to move into a new level of relationship with each other that is more cooperative and fun!
Giving your child the knowledge and resources they need to make good decisions and opening up new ways to communicate, will help you to identify the root cause of any behavior that feels out of alignment with your family’s values so you and your child can work together to overcome it.
Peaceful Parenting Coach training can help you master these techniques and show your clients how to do the same.
Parent Coaching is best suited for parents who are looking for supplemental income or to build a business during school hours. Because your clients are parents too, it is simple to build your business during the times when you’re not needed by your own children. A Parent Coaching business is also suitable for therapists, coaches, educators, pediatricians, or anyone who already has professional experience working with children and youth.
Having a Parent Coaching business serves this purpose for those who embark on this journey. There is no greater privilege than providing families with the tools, support, accountability, and strategies to have the relationships they desire with their children.
There is nothing more fulfilling than learning that a parent you’ve supported has stopped yelling at their kids, or that a mom has stopped drowning her guilt with wine, or that a couple has pulled back from the brink of divorce because they’ve reached the same page on their parenting values.
As Parenting Coaches, we get to bear witness to these life-changing transformations day in and day out.
As Parenting Coaches, we get to bear witness to these life-changing transformations day in and day out.
How do I become a Parenting Coach?
There are many training organizations that train and/or certify Parenting Coaches (you can explore certification through The Jai Institute here).
When deciding which program to enroll in there are several things for you to consider:
1) Philosophy
Do you feel an alignment with the teaching philosophy of the organization? Are they parent-centric (meaning the work focuses on shifting the beliefs, behaviors and choices of parents) or child-centric (meaning the work focuses on shifting the beliefs, behaviors and choices of children).
Here at Jai, we are parent-centric. When parents shift, children shift. We actually desire to teach parents that children don’t require behavior modification through manipulations, punishments, consequences or even bribes to be cooperative, engaged members of the family. And so our work teaches conscious communication, emotional intelligence and regulation to parents first, dramatically shifting the dynamic in the home.
2) Cost & Duration
Parent Coaching Certification program tuitions can range from $3,500 to $12,000. The more costly programs are typically accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Here at Jai, we have been certifying Parenting Coaches since 2011 in our 6-month training program. Our conscious choice to not pursue ICF credentials allows us to charge less, while still providing our trainees the systems, confidence, and proven platform to create transformation in the families they serve.
You’ll also want to consider the length of the program, including the weekly time commitment. Becoming a Parenting Coach is a serious commitment, and you should be prepared to commit 5-10 hours per week to your professional education.
3) Ongoing Support & Community
It’s important to know what kind of support is available to you after you graduate from your certification program. Building a full practice as a Parenting Coach is simple, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is easy.
It often requires stretching your comfort zone, because if no one knows about your work, and what you have to offer, then they don’t know that you can help them have the relationship with their children that they want!
This means that you’re going to need to “put yourself out there as a coach.” This requires gaining confidence and skills in visibility, marketing and sales.
You can be the best coach in the world but if you don’t know how to enroll clients, you can’t actually help the people who want to be helped!
Here at Jai, we understand that we need each other to do uncomfortable things. We need a community where we can be cheered and celebrated for our successes, and where we have a soft place to land when things aren’t going so well. The path of self-employment is so empowering, and it comes with inevitable ups and downs.
After your Parent Coach training is complete you’ll spend a month in our business bootcamp learning the most effective ways to enroll clients with the same values that you bring to your coaching.
We also continue to support this community with a thriving graduates group. From our community facebook group, to free monthly graduates calls, to our amazing paid business mastermind, you’ll be able to access the support that you need to grow as you build your Parent Coaching business.
Your First and Most Important Decision
Your first and most important decision is to allow yourself this dream: that you can absolutely succeed and thrive as a Parenting Coach.
All it takes is a commitment to yourself to embark on a journey of personal growth, trust, and forgiveness (of yourself and others – because you can’t walk people down a road you haven’t walked yourself)!
If you'd like to go even deeper, I've written an entire (albeit short) ebook on how to become a parenting coach!
You can download your copy here!
Being a successful Parenting Coach does not mean that you need to be a “perfect parent.” In fact, the more willing you are to embrace all aspects of your parenting journey, the better equipped you are to meet your future clients with empathy, compassion and honesty.
It is your realness that will make you great. And your passion for creating a new way of parenting… a way that honors the needs, feelings and emotions of every member of every family, and sees each individual as deserving, whole and complete.
This is what it means to be a Parenting Coach. It is a great privilege and responsibility.
If this speaks to your heart… fill out an application to join our program today.
Meet Your Author, Kiva Schuler
Jai Co-Founder and CEO
Kiva’s passion for parenting stemmed from her own childhood experiences of neglect and trauma. Like many of her generation, she had a front row seat to witnessing what she did not want for her own children. And in many ways, Jai is the fulfillment of a promise that she made to herself when she was 16 years old… that when she had children of her own, she would learn to parent them with compassion, consistency and communication.
Kiva is a serial entrepreneur, and has been the marketer behind many transformational brands. Passionate about bringing authenticity and integrity to marketing and sales, she’s a sought after mentor, speaker and coach.
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.