Are you committed to being the best mom or dad for your children?
Are you so passionate about parenting that the idea of turning it into a thriving business seems too good to be true?
At Jai we've been training parenting coaches for ten years in the tools of
non-violent communication, emotional intelligence, emotional self-regulation,
and brain development.
Our parenting coaches work with families to help them successfully make the shift from the dominant, authoritative parenting model that most of us were parented with—to a new, empowered model of parenting where communication and connection are far more effective than punishments, yelling, time-outs, threatening, bribes... any kind of external manipulation.
We help parents sort through their own complicated emotions so that they can emotionally self-regulate. So they learn how to become less reactive.
We teach them tools of conscious communication, so that they know how to effectively share their needs, feelings and values with their children.
Our goal is to allow families to have more connection, peace and fun in their homes…
Yelling dissipates, sibling rivalry goes away.
One of the things that we know is when children are behaving in big ways, it's always because they have an unmet need. And so as parents, as we learn to plug into empathy and to co-regulate with our children, behavior goes away—no timeouts required.
FREE information session on exploring your new career as a parenting coach will give you all the details you need to decide if this path is right for you, in just 60 minutes.
We’ll talk about why parent coaching.
What is it? Why is it the fastest growing niche in the life coaching industry?
And I'll share with you success stories of some of our coaches that have gone through our program over the last ten years.
We’ll dive deep into the Jai methodology.
One of the things that really distinguishes us in all the places that you could be trained to be a Parent Coach is our methodology.
We are parent-centric and we use the proven frameworks of
emotional intelligence, nonviolent communication, brain development
and neuroplasticity, which is the ability of a brain to shift and grow all the way until we’re, well... done; to effectively allow parents to step into the space of being the moms and dads they desperately want to be for their kids.
Then finally, we'll go through all the logistics:
I'll give you a hint. If this sounds interesting to you, if it's peaking a little curiosity in your system, go ahead and join us.
The Parent Coaches in our community thrive, some making more money in their coaching business than they did when they were employed.
We have teachers; we have physicians in our community who were just literally suffering in the name of their profession and chose to opt out, to be a Parenting Coach. And they're happy and fulfilled, getting to spend way more time with their own kids.
I could go on, and on, and on about the
amazing coaches in this community and their dedication to bringing these tools of peace and connection to families all over the world.
But I’d rather you create your own success story.
register today for the free Information Session, just name and email is all that’s required, and you'll get access sent directly to your email inbox.
Meet Your Author, Kiva Schuler
Jai Co-Founder and CEO
Kiva’s passion for parenting stemmed from her own childhood experiences of neglect and trauma. Like many of her generation, she had a front row seat to witnessing what she did not want for her own children. And in many ways, Jai is the fulfillment of a promise that she made to herself when she was 16 years old… that when she had children of her own, she would learn to parent them with compassion, consistency and communication.
Kiva is a serial entrepreneur, and has been the marketer behind many transformational brands. Passionate about bringing authenticity and integrity to marketing and sales, she’s a sought after mentor, speaker and coach.
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.