“Success is your ability to go from failure to failure whilst maintaining enthusiasm.”
- Winston Churchill
Whether you’re trying to say it to someone else or you’re on the receiving end of it, never have two letters caused so much psychological turmoil. Hearing no, once or many times, can be hard to swallow at first. But the truth is that in sales you will hear it.
That’s why learning how to hear it without getting thrown off is such an important skill to master, especially for heart-centered business owners, such as parent coach professionals. Learning to receive no in a way that doesn’t feel disheartening or demotivating is a business building game-changer.
Not only can you stop letting ‘no’ make you feel bad, you can find creative and simple ways to reconsider your perspective so that it will at very least become neutral and at best become newly motivational. You can actually find ways to use it to your advantage.
Don’t believe me?
Keep reading.
Below you’ll find three new profound perspective shifts that will have you experiencing the word ‘no’ in a whole new way in your parent coaching career. No more recovery time required. Because not only is this tiny word misunderstood, you have WAY more say in its power than you think.
Part of our natural reaction to hearing no is likely caused by the ways in which we misinterpret its meaning, in both directions. We have attached a lens of personal rejection to no. When the truth is, the vast majority of the time it’s just not personal.
People have lots of reasons for saying no. It’s (thankfully) not about you.
Working through objections can be helpful, but when the bottom line answer is no, don’t take it on as a reflection of you. If over the course of a truly extended period of time you’re only hearing no, then it might be worth a look at your approach, but until then you truly need to just shake it off. Sales is a skill like anything else. It takes practice.
Try adding a little clearing ritual after any interactions that don’t (immediately) end in a new client. Keep yourself positively focused with an onward and upward approach! Think dancing it off to a favorite song, going for a walk in nature or burning a beautiful candle and refocusing your mind and heart on the next right thing to do for your business.
Nothing is more magnetic than professionals who stay unattached to the outcome knowing that what you’re offering as a parent coach professional is deeply valuable and remains available whenever they become ready.
Don’t waste time lamenting, it’s time to move on to your next yes!
When it comes to sales, no is often not permanent.
Read that again.
In the process of offering your services to your clients you will hear ‘no’ more often than you’d probably like. That’s just a fact. Ultimately, like the majority of things in life, it’s what you do with it that matters.
If, like most people, you don’t have an accurate idea of the ratio of no to yes that is the reality for everyone in sales, let me relieve you of the pressure of believing it should be rare to hear no:
Hearing no is a frequent occurrence, one that should be taken as a
part of the sales process and not a permanent stopping point.
When you understand not only what no can mean but also how to receive and work with it, a whole new world opens up.
Feeling awful or even bad every time a prospective client says no, is the parenting equivalent of being upset every time you have to change a diaper.
It’s a predictable part of the job, like it or not. The more experience you have, the faster you’ll get really good at it. Eventually you won’t even think about it anymore.
Let every no register as a potential future yes—and keep nurturing those relationships!
Remember: Every conversation you have with a parent is valuable and worthwhile. It is a gift to them and to you.
If they’re not ready or able to say yes, always ask for permission to connect at a later date and see how things are unfolding. Some stats estimate that
potential clients say no up to four times before they say yes and that most business people only follow up once.
So keep getting permission and follow up in genuine ways. Stay in touch and see what happens! Be genuine and optimistic in your interactions with your prospective clients.
Because this business is ultimately about building relationships.
Your sense of optimism is a highly underrated and truly powerful force in sales.
Sales research indicates that optimists outsold pessimists time and time again by between 20 and 40%.
So chin up and remember to keep your hopes high!
You can’t even imagine how many future yes’s you’re planting every time you graciously and positively take no for an answer (even a temporary one)!
I want to be clear that this applies to sales only and must be combined with full respect for people’s boundaries. This is in no way about pushing past people’s real objections or limits in any way.
This is about truly understanding where the objection is coming from and if it’s in the highest service to the client in those moments to get curious and explore what’s underneath.
Transparency and getting consent to explore is key here. Ask if they’re open to talking more about what’s holding them back.
Sometimes people need to be supported to invest in themselves. If you are clear that the person you’re talking to would genuinely benefit from the work, it’s worth lovingly supporting them to take a closer look.
Objections are incredible opportunities for you as a coach to give your future clients a taste of the kind of loving support they can expect to experience in working with you.
The art of when to leave space is also key here. If it’s not the right time for someone to work with you, give them loving space and once again get permission to check in with them at a later time. See how they’re doing in a month or so (or whatever timeline seems appropriate for the circumstance) and connect with them again later.
Grasping or disappointed energy is sales kryptonite. It can easily turn a maybe (aka future yes) into a no.
Instead, let your prospect know that you’ll be here when they need you. Consider them a seed planted in your garden of future clients and move on.
Change your feelings about objections and what they mean to you because your energy in these interactions is EVERYTHING.
All this talk about no doesn’t mean that you don’t get to bring big YES energy to all your calls! It just means that your mood, feelings of optimism and ultimate sense of success aren’t relying on the outcome of your calls.
If you do this prep work, you’ll go into every call feeling grounded in the work and hopeful and excited for the parent you’re about to talk to. Naturally, once on the call, you can gauge the energy of the person you’re meeting with and meet them where they are at. Matching their energy is the first step in connecting with them.
Knowing they have found you and this work and that when they say yes (whether it’s now or later), their life and relationships are about to get a whole lot better, less stressful and more connected is truly a wonderful feeling.
Each call is an opportunity to connect, be of service and provide a loving space for parents to be truly heard.
If you do that, every call (no matter the initial outcome) will ultimately be a success.
Go out into the world and TRY to get 20 people to say no to you. These can be requests for just about anything.
Go and intentionally seek it and take its power away once and for all! I think you’ll be surprised by what you find…
Meet Your Author, Katie Owen
Jai Business Coach & Marketing Mentor
As a former practicing therapist turned copywriter and marketing strategist, Katie is passionate about the intersection of marketing and mindset. Katie embodies the practices of taking the simple actions, consistently over time, that create epic results.
A master storyteller, Katie works with our coaches to refine their message, increase their visibility and get clients!
The Jai Institute for Parenting. All Rights Reserved.